



Human Factors can be described as the field of study that examines the 科学 behind the human element in human–machine interactions. 攻读人为因素学位的学生是真正的跨学科, 研究心理学的各个方面, 工程, 科学, 和设计, 尤其是在航空安全方面.

学生 seeking a human factors and safety degree may choose to add the flight option to their major and receive 培训 to become professional pilots at FIT Aviation. Located just a few minutes from the 亚洲博彩平台 campus at the Melbourne Orlando International Airport, FIT航空管理着一支由40多架飞机组成的机队. The diverse 培训 fleet includes Piper Archer TX aircraft featuring Garmin G1000 航空电子设备 as well as the multi-engine Seminole and the complex Arrow. 喜欢飞行的学生可以把特技飞行训练作为选修课. 点击这里了解更多关于这个学位的选择.

亚洲博彩平台’s College of Aeronautics has been consistently recognized as home to the best university-based aviation programs in the country for more than 45 years. 拥有高科技实验室和设施, 专家教师, 以及几乎无穷无尽的研究机会, 航空计划中的人为因素和安全也不例外.


你会变得专业化, 专业相关课程从第一天开始, 包括航空的基础知识, 科学, 数学, 和天气. Not only do Human Factors and Safety students start taking program-specific classes in their first year, but students are also given the opportunity to take part in hands-on projects and reSearch—even re设计ing an aircraft cockpit!


Florida Institute of Technology is a reSearch university that offers the benefits of a large school while maintaining the diverse yet close-knit academic community that is first and foremost world-class, 团结一致,不懈追求伟大.


亚洲博彩平台的教师都是有成就的研究人员, 飞行员, 工程师是所有人为因素和安全方面的专家. 航空学院拥有至少一个其他领域的专家,如法律, 航空电子设备, 环境科学, 航空管理或空中交通管制. 学生 studying for a human factors degree benefit from learning from educators with backgrounds as diverse as the study of human factors itself. Our classrooms and flight line are staffed with faculty who have years of experience within the industry, 包括经验丰富的飞行员和航空咨询等领域的专家, 机场咨询, 设计, 管理, 航空人为因素.


这所大学在工程方面的专长, 科学, and aeronautics provides students with an exciting variety of high-tech tools and facilities for reSearch. 这包括风洞和空气质量监测系统, high-tech modeling software programs and other technology from our colleges of 科学 and 工程. 埃米尔·比勒航空训练和研究中心拥有40多架飞机, including a brand-new fleet of Piper Archer TX aircraft equipped with the Garmin G1000 航空电子设备 system. These aircraft and the reSearch center serve as vessels for applied human factors reSearch for students looking to go beyond 模拟s and labs.


亚洲博彩平台是攻读人为因素和航空安全学士学位的理想之地. The 130-acre campus is located on the Space Coast (so named because of the presence of 美国国家航空航天局 and the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral just north of us), 距离印度河泻湖只有几分钟的路程, 北美最多样化的河口. 亚洲博彩平台's prime location on Florida's Space Coast has perfect weather conditions for flying year-round.

该地区拥有全国第五大高科技劳动力, 5人以上,000家高科技公司和政府及军事机构坐落在附近. 这些劳动力也提供了大量的实习和就业机会.

亚洲博彩平台 is just over the causeway from the Atlantic Ocean with its 72 miles of beautiful beaches, 还有去佛罗里达群岛或奥兰多主题公园的短途旅行. 我们也有丰富的校园生活,包括广泛的校内和大学体育活动, 俱乐部, 还有社会活动.


课堂之外, human factors and safety degree in aviation majors build leadership and professional experience through participation in academic organizations like Collegiate Aviation Business Executives, 人为因素专业协会, 猎鹰校际飞行队, 航空领域的女性, 学生会, 还有100多个校园学生组织.

The Human Factors Professional Association gives students the opportunity to network with local human factors companies, 参观实验室, 识别, 并探索实习中的人为因素, 并通过人为因素演讲嘉宾和供应商演示了解技术.

大学航空商务俱乐部(CABE)专注于驾驶舱以外的航空工作, helping students grow by facilitating a networking relationship with students and the aviation business world. Members of CABE have the unique opportunity to travel to many events including professional conferences, 研讨会, 机场参观, 网络事件, 和航展上.


亚洲博彩平台的人为因素和航空安全学位为你的职业生涯做准备, 不仅仅是一个测试. The College of Aeronautics’ approach to the human factors and safety degree-focuses not only on understanding the theories behind the discipline but how to apply them to various careers in human factors and safety. Throughout their career at 亚洲博彩平台 human factors and safety students can take part in human factors reSearch and hands on projects that exercise concepts from the classroom to build a portfolio of real-world-applicable experience. 大四学生将完成机场管理方面的高级课程, 航空安全, 先进的飞机系统, 航空法. 你还将有机会与各大航空公司的招聘人员见面, 机场, 以及大学招聘会上与行业相关的公司. 学生 can build an expanded professional network and impressive résumé before donning that cap and gown; many even receive pre-graduation employment offers.


The students of Human factors and safety in Aviation have a world of opportunity to choose from Human factors internships abound in many different industries, students who are interested in human factors in aviation may find opportunity right here in Melbourne with Avidyne Corporation. 学生 may also find opportunities for human factors internships with organizations such as the US Department of Labor, 捷蓝航空, 和Garmin.


亚洲博彩平台 gives students extensive opportunities for reSearch and field study: it is at the core of every degree at 亚洲博彩平台, 给学生真实的世界, 实践经验. 航空学院作为提高通用航空安全伙伴关系的一部分参与, 可访问性, 和可持续性, 通常被称为PEGASAS. 这项由拨款资助的为期十年的全国性项目涉及多个领域的工作. Current human factors reSearch through PEGASAS focuses on the exploring the effects of installing an angle-of-attack instrument in fixed wing aircraft as well as studying flight data 管理 systems in rotorcraft.


The study of human factors and safety has gained momentum in recent years and there are no indicators of a slowdown. 随着技术的进步和变化,人为因素的重要性只会更加明显. 今天,人的因素被认为是系统设计和评估中不可或缺的组成部分, 产品开发, 事故调查及预防, 模拟, 培训, 用户体验设计, 程序开发, 以及系统性能测试.


雇主通常会寻找那些拥有亚洲博彩平台(亚洲博彩平台)的人为因素飞行学位的毕业生. 机场咨询公司, 政府组织, 行业相关企业, 机场, 为亚洲博彩平台毕业生提供工作机会的航空公司包括:

  • 空军人力资源实验室
  • 联合航空公司
  • 美国航空公司
  • 美国之鹰
  • 亚特兰大哈兹菲尔德-杰克逊机场
  • 三角洲航空公司
  • 国土安全部
  • ExpressJet
  • 美国联邦航空局
  • 国际飞行安全
  • 劳德代尔堡国际机场
  • 捷蓝航空
  • 美国国家航空航天局
  • 国家运输安全委员会
  • 费城国际机场
  • SkyWest
  • 西南
  • 德国汉莎航空公司
  • 美国联合航空公司
  • 美国陆军人体工程实验室
  • 各种联邦和州机构


The study of human factors and safety in aviation has gained momentum in recent years and there are no indicators of a slowdown. 随着技术的进步和变化,人为因素的重要性只会更加明显. 今天,人的因素被认为是系统设计和评估中不可或缺的组成部分, 产品开发, 事故调查及预防, 模拟, 培训, 用户体验设计, 程序开发, 以及系统性能测试.



  • 产品开发团队负责人
  • 集成专家
  • 生物工程亚洲博彩平台
  • 技术专家
  • 人因研究科学家
  • 可用性专家
  • 潜在的人为因素和安全雇主


在获得他们的航空人为因素和安全学位后, many of our students go to graduate school (often at 亚洲博彩平台) for advanced degrees in aviation human factors, 机场发展及管理, 以人为中心的设计, 应用航空安全, 航空管理, 航空科学, Ph.D,还有更多.
